
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
020: The Origins of Wisdom Christology in Sirach and Philo
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
Thursday Jun 14, 2018
The theology exhibited in Proverbs wherein Lady Wisdom can be embodied into human beings was influential with other Jewish writers before the New Testament was written. This episode aims to lay that foundation by looking at the Book of Sirach and the writings of Philo. Both Sirach and Philo continue the argument from Proverbs by depicting God's Wisdom, personified as a female figure, as becoming incarnate in the human figures Simon the High Priest and Sarah, Abraham's wife. This indicates that the language of the Word becoming flesh in John 1:14 is not saying something new, but rather continuing a thoroughly Jewish way of portraying the incarnation of God's personified attributes.
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Thursday Jun 07, 2018
019: The Origins of Wisdom Christology in the Book of Proverbs
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Thursday Jun 07, 2018
Modern scholars have observed that many New Testament authors depict Jesus in light of Lady Wisdom (i.e., God's wise interaction with and instruction to his creation). However, most casual readers of the Bible seem to be unaware of what this 'Wisdom Christology' actually is. This episode seeks to examine the origins of Wisdom Christology by studying the Book of Proverbs, where astute readers will note that Lady Wisdom is embodied/incarnate into human beings in chapter thirty-one.
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Thursday May 31, 2018
018: John 1 and the Genesis Creation
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
Despite the dominant scholarly consensus, there is a vocal minority on social media insisting that John 1:1 is not pointing back to the Genesis creation, but instead is referring to the beginning of Jesus' evangelistic ministry of preaching the Logos as gospel. This episode seeks to create a conversation with this minority perspective by noting what appears to be the fairly obvious literary and theological connections between John chapter one and Genesis chapter one.
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Thursday May 24, 2018
017: Should Christians Pray to Jesus?
Thursday May 24, 2018
Thursday May 24, 2018
Does the New Testament depict believers praying/offering prayers to Jesus? You might be surprised at the answer. This episode seeks to honestly assess how the New Testament uses 'prayer language' for Jesus and concludes by offering a model on the biblical way to appropriately direct prayers.
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Thursday May 17, 2018
016: Practical Applications of Biblical Unitarianism
Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
Does it even matter what we believe about who God is and who Jesus is? Some say that it does; others say that it doesn't. In this episode, we explore three practical applications taught in Scripture regarding Biblical Unitarian theology, one of which is highly controversial.
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Thursday May 10, 2018
015: Should Christians Worship Jesus?
Thursday May 10, 2018
Thursday May 10, 2018
If Jesus is worshiped in the Bible, does that prove that he is God? Not necessarily. This episode will examine how the Bible depicts worship offered to human figures and then note the difference between the worship offered to God and the worship offered to Christ.
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Thursday May 03, 2018
014: An Introduction to Preexistence within the Bible
Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
Many of the debates about Jesus' identity revolve around how one understands the nature of 'preexistence' within the Bible. This episode sets out to introduce the basics of how preexistence was understood and taught by the various biblical authors. We will explore how Jesus was regarded within God's plans/mind and how the New Testament authors understood Jesus as the current embodiment of God's personified Wisdom and Word.
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Thursday Apr 26, 2018
013: The Christ Hymn in Philippians 2
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
What are we to make of the controversial passage of Phil. 2:5-11? This episode attempts to explain the nuances of the passage by highlighting Paul's allusions to Adam, Isaiah's Suffering Servant, and even to Emperor Nero. Furthermore, we show that the Philippians passage is actually an ethical argument for Christians to live in humility and obedience to God, just as Christ demonstrated during his earthly life.
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Thursday Apr 19, 2018
012: The Bible’s Use of "God" Language for Human Beings
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
Thursday Apr 19, 2018
How are we to responsibly interpret the fact that the Bible both calls certain exceptional human beings "God" and insists that there is only one true God? The answer lies in the fact that the true God can invest his authority into certain human beings as his representatives, such as a prophet, a judge, and even a royal king. This connection appears to be the most prudent way to understand Jesus being called "God," despite being the human Messiah.
Buy Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John: https://a.co/d/iMFP9VC
Link to the ebook: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=CTcDEQAAQBAJ&rdid=book-CTcDEQAAQBAJ&rdot=1&source=gbs_atb&pcampaignid=books_booksearch_atb&pli=1
Subscribe for free on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-biblical-unitarian-podcast/id1347983887
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Thursday Apr 12, 2018
011: The Exalted Status of the Resurrected Jesus
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Why does it seem that the most exalted praises are given to Jesus after his resurrection? Is the risen Jesus equal in status and rank with God the Father? How should we interpret the fact that God has titles and Jesus is often addressed with those very same titles? This episode seeks to answer these questions by looking at the exaltation of the human Jesus.
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Thursday Apr 05, 2018
010: The Crucifixion of the Human Jesus
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
What does the New Testament teach about Jesus' death that has implications for biblical Christology? Did Jesus completely die or did he only partially die? Does that New Testament teach that God died on the cross? These questions will be answered in this week's episode dealing with Jesus' death.
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Thursday Mar 29, 2018
009: Jesus has a God
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Thursday Mar 29, 2018
Did Jesus have a God? This might sound like a strange question to some, but Jesus stated on multiple occasions that he did indeed has a God above him. The God of Jesus is also addressed as "my Father" many times in the New Testament. This episode will examine how Jesus understood the Father as 'his God' and will examine how Jesus acted in subordination to God the Father.
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Thursday Mar 22, 2018
008: Jesus as God’s Agent in the Gospels
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
In this episode, we explore the principle of agency wherein a sent agent fully represents the one who sent him. We demonstrate that this understanding of agency was practically taken for granted within the first-century Jewish world and note how Jesus operates as God's authoritatively sent agent. Since Jesus is God's agent, Jesus can exercise divine prerogatives, speaks God's words, and fully represent God without compromising monotheism.
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Thursday Mar 15, 2018
007: The Humanity of Jesus in the Gospels
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
In this episode, we examine how the four New Testament Gospel accounts portray Jesus as a human figure. Do Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John call Jesus a "human being?" Is Jesus portrayed as omniscient in the manner that Yahweh is omniscient? Do the four Gospels describe Jesus as growing in understanding, as one who learns, or even as one who has limited knowledge as all human beings possess? This episode seeks to answer these questions as we continue to explore what the Bible has to say about Jesus Christ, the human Messiah.
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- https://www.paypal.me/10mintruthtalks

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
006: The Birth of Jesus in Romans-Revelation
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
We continue our discussion of how the New Testament authors describe the birth of Jesus. We examine this in this episode how Romans, Galatians, 2 Timothy, Hebrews, 1 John, and Revelation describe Jesus' birth and origins, namely as a human figure descending from the family lines of Abraham, Judah, Jesse, and King David.
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Thursday Mar 01, 2018
005: The Birth of Jesus According to Matthew and Luke
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
Thursday Mar 01, 2018
This episode seeks to answer whether Jesus was "begotten" (brought into existence) or not. Both Matthew and Luke offer birth narratives and lengthy genealogies wherein Jesus' birth is described in detail. Luke, having also authored the Book of Acts, offers his thoughts on Jesus' origins in both documents, so we will explore both his Gospel and Acts in this episode.
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Thursday Feb 22, 2018
004: The Human Jesus Anticipated in the Old Testament (3/3)
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
Thursday Feb 22, 2018
This episode continues our exploration throughout the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) in which we observe how the Messiah was expected to be of the line of David, thus making him an authentic human figure. The Old Testament has a lot to say about the coming Son of David, especially within the Psalms and the Prophets. As the Son of David, Jesus exists as the climactic and long-awaited human descendant, and Jesus being a human figure is one of the central points of Biblical Unitarianism.
This episode of the Biblical Unitarian Podcast will give you plenty to talk about as you begin conversations with others on these critically important topics of faith and theology.
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Friday Feb 09, 2018
003: The Human Jesus Anticipated in the Old Testament (2/3)
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
The Old Testament regards the coming messianic figure to be of the line of King David, clearly making him a human being (as David was). In fact, there are so many passages repeating and expounding this "Son of David" theology that it will require two episodes of the Biblical Unitarian Podcast to cover them all, and those are just the ones within the Old Testament.
If the Messiah was to descend from the line of King David, then he would be both an authentic human figure as well as one who was distinct from Israel's God, Yahweh. Our discussion on the Messiah as a descendant of David will surely give you something to talk about with your friends and family as it pertains to Jesus' identity and vocation.
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- https://www.paypal.me/10mintruthtalks

Friday Feb 09, 2018
002: The Human Jesus Anticipated in the Old Testament (1/3)
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
In the first century C.E., Jesus was recognized by his followers as the "Messiah," a title denoting the anointed king of the kingdom in whom all of Israel's theology would find their climax. This office of Messiah came with a set of qualifications (i.e., job descriptions), and these qualifications are set out within the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible).
This episode of the Biblical Unitarian Podcast begins to survey the qualifications of the Messiah set out within the Old Testament, finding primarily that the passages that various Jewish groups drew upon to characterize the anticipated Messiah seem to regard this figure as an authentic human being. We hope that this episode encourages you to dust off your Old Testament so that you can start some healthy conversations regarding the important topic of Jesus Christ's identity.
Buy Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John (paperback): https://a.co/d/iMFP9VC
Buy Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John (Kindle): https://a.co/d/5Eletqz
Buy The Son of God: Three Views of the Identity of Jesus: https://a.co/d/65WTnrC
Subscribe for free on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-biblical-unitarian-podcast/id1347983887
To support the Biblical Unitarian Podcast, donate here: https://www.paypal.me/10mintruthtalks
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Friday Feb 09, 2018
001: God is One Person
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
One of the major truth claims of Biblical Unitarians is that the God of the Bible is a single person (rather than a multi-personal God taught within binitarian and trinitarian faiths). This episode begins to scratch the surface of the massive amount of biblical data that demonstrates that God is a single person. We survey a variety of texts, both in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and within the New Testament.
We particularly note how Jesus Christ himself taught on multiple occasions this very truth, namely that God is one person. We hope that this episode helps you start conversations with your friends and family regarding this massively important subject.
Buy Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John (paperback): https://a.co/d/iMFP9VC
Buy Wisdom Christology in the Gospel of John (Kindle): https://a.co/d/5Eletqz
Buy The Son of God: Three Views of the Identity of Jesus: https://a.co/d/65WTnrC
Subscribe for free on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-biblical-unitarian-podcast/id1347983887
To support the Biblical Unitarian Podcast, donate here: https://www.paypal.me/10mintruthtalks
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Friday Feb 09, 2018
000: About This Podcast
Friday Feb 09, 2018
Friday Feb 09, 2018
"What is a Biblical Unitarian?" In this introductory episode, we set the scope for the Biblical Unitarian Podcast. In doing so, we define what a Biblical Unitarian is, what BUs believe, and the response we are attempting to produce among our listeners. Biblical Unitarians regard the God of the Bible to be a single, undivided person. They also recognize that the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ was a human being who did not literally preexist his birth in any way. These episodes are aimed to start cordial conversations and to get people talking intelligently about who God is and who Jesus is.
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